On May 16th, I decided to chop off the rest of my relaxed hair! It was not easy but i managed to do it while I had some nerve. This transition was honestly not as easy as i thought it would be, at times it's even harder completely natural. In the past month I have colored and straightened my hair...all which I deem pretty successful.
I believe the week before my birthday I decided to color my hair a pretty color called Sun Kissed Brown by Creme of Nature. It came out pretty good but I kinda feel like the front of my hair is mad dry!
About a week ago I straightened my hair and it came out very, very nice! I am very impressed with the growth so far (besides the lopsidedness of my hair.
In this month (and a half technically) This is what I have learned a lot about my hair
3/4 quadrants of my hair curl normally. The curl "ain't quite right" in the top right quadrant of my hair making it hard to style my hair uniformly.
I am a PJ...PRODUCT JUNKIE!!!! I hate that I like to try so much stuff at one time, a habit that I am slowly starting to fall back on!
With my hair length in it's natural state, it's kinda hard to style it at this point! I enjoy my twist outs and especially my curly girl up-do I wore my birthday!!!
I have to wet my hair in order to comb and style it, right now I'm looking for some other alternative.
I am trying to battle FRIZZ...and it is an enemy LET ME TELL YOU!
SHRINKAGE...that is all!!
Herbal Essences Hello Hydration: THE SHIT...my hair loves it!!!
Goal for the next month:
1. Limit use of multiple products
2. Experiment with more hairstyles
3. Deep condition more often
5. Find a natural way to combat frizzies
6. Try some of my transition styles again
7. LIMIT spending on products to conditioner for co-washes!!! (More Hello Hydration)
Until next time,
P.R. Reid
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Natural Rundown....Month 1
Posted by P.R. Reid at 6/30/2010 11:58:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
RanDUMB Blurb #7: Shit, Just Talkin'!
I guess you really thought I was going to have some profound shit to say....NOT LOL!!!! Anyway, I am enjoying myself and I know it's coming to an end very soon :-( BUT no fear I'll be rejuvenated and ready to go! I have been have the most peculiar dreams lately...brace yourselves...I have been having dreams that I was pregnant! DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT PREGNANT AND JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE THOSE DREAMS DOESN'T MEAN YOU ARE, HAVE THE DESIRE TO BE, OR WILL BE SOON! It is the strangest thing to me. So I Googled it and while it doesn't I'm physically pregnant it simply means that I am pregnant with ideas and new beginnings...kinda fucks with it! I am headed on a new and different journey very soon and it's actually very exciting! In other news...
I finally got my Uncle Funky's Daughter Curl Stimulator last week...kinda like it! It elongates my curl and everything, BUT it makes my hair slightly hard.
Got my new flat iron last week...I got it off Amazon for $22.95 because my purple Cortex went to glory on me after 2 years of faithful and humble servitude (if i had some liquor I'd pour it out for her...yes HER!) The New New is a blue Remington digital flat iron! I can set the temperature too! (hells YEAH)
My hair color is starting to grow out...that means two things! My hair is GROWING (woot woot!!) and I might be able to color again and possibly go lighter at the top (I don't think I will, nice thought though!
I straightened my hair today...YES, I know it has been humid and a curly girl like me shouldn't be straightening but dammit I was bored and I wanted to try out my new flat iron and it would be the first time I had seen my hair straight since i cut it off last month! I freakin love that thing...I also did a silk wrap when i finished and OMG...BEAUTIFULNESS EVERYWHERE!!! The only thing is...the right side of my hair is shorter than the left, but my length is GREAT! Maybe I'll get it fixed soon...maybe I won't IDK! But I will post pictures tomorrow
Sinus headaches have been freaking killing me...I am pretty much at my wits end! Last week out of seven days I had a headache at least five of them the shit is the PITS man!!!!
I finally met my little cousin...Zoey is probably the tiniest baby I have ever seen in my life...EVER! At almost 3 months, she literally looks (and feels) like a baby doll, and she is absolutely beautiful...I love her!!!
I am enjoy life and everything/everyone in it!
P.R. Reid
Posted by P.R. Reid at 6/23/2010 10:14:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Happy Birthday To MEEEEEEE!!!!
I know I'm late but Friday was my birthday! All and all my birthday was pretty great....and I almost thought it was going to be a fail. I got so many phone calls, texts, facebook messages, and tweets! I wish I could have thanked everyone....but anywho, I'm going to post a few pics of the day!!! Hope you likey hehe! Note: YES! I was DONE in that photo...I went home and went right to bed LOL!!! Oh and the cake was YUMMY!!!!
P.R. Reid :-P
Posted by P.R. Reid at 6/16/2010 08:52:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Coolest Thing....EVER!
My sister really effed up this time! She has put me on to an app that makes my pictures look vintage and uber fly! The application I'm talking about is called Poladroid! I am absolutely loving it, and the best part about it...its FREE. It is supposed to make all of your photos look like they came out of a Polaroid camera...awesome right?? You can even shake it using your mouse by dragging it across the screen back and forth! I am a stickler for anything old so you ALREADY know! I think I'm in love...and this is the perfect app for those who like to take pictures! The only thing is...you can only take 10 pics at a time....just like the old school camera, but all ya gots to do is quit it and the fun begins again! Below are some of the pics I've remixed so far with the app. Enjoy!
If you would like this app you can get it at www.poladroid.net! The iPhone also has an app called "Shakeit" for 99 cents as well
P.R. Reid
Posted by P.R. Reid at 6/07/2010 09:04:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 3, 2010
My New Hair!!!!
On Sunday May 16, 2010 while I had the nerve, I cut my hair off! I had transitioned for close to a year. I thought cutting it at that particular time would help foster hair growth by the time the colder months came. After I finished cutting it all I got really scared and didn't know what to do with it...and one side was shorter than the other! Day by day I am learning to accept the way my hair is, and I am loving it! My favorite style...Wash and go! Before I let anyone see my hair now (6/3/10), imma go through the process of what it looked like beforeThis was a twist out done during my transition...LOTS of Body!!!!
GRADUATION DAY!!! (5/15/10)
And a day after I crossed the stage, I cut it and this is what it looks like today.....CURLS CURLS CURLS!!!! Ya gotta love it...I know I do! I have never had hair this short before so its really really different for me...It's scary but its summer and it is too hot for all that hair!I think I may do regular updates...IDK yet, but I will be trying products and styles and I will post them on here just to show because I CAN DO DAT! lol
P.R. Reid
Posted by P.R. Reid at 6/03/2010 02:47:00 PM 0 comments